About Us

Who we are?

Kakua Hospice is a National Non Governmental Organization established in 2002 with the overall mandate or goal of contributing to the National HIV/AIDS Intervention by participating in the implementation of programmes designed by the National HIV/AIDS Secretariat overseen by the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) as a coordinating body for the three ‘’DISEASE BURDEN’’ – HIV, Malaria and TB funded by the Global Fund. The Mandate or Goal of Kakua Hospice is for all clients or beneficiaries to achieve positive health seeking behaviors and the promotion of Human Rights Issues and livelihood supports for the attainment of self reliance, sustainable peace and development; and educational support to vulnerable children and disadvantaged adolescent girls and young women. Our field of work or thematic areas include: 

1. HEALTH – HIV/AIDS, SRH, MHPSS for vulnerable children, adolescent girls and young women in the four districts of the Southern Province: Bo, Bonthe, Moyamba and Pujehun within the Southern Province

2. EDUCATION – Out – Of – School/In-School Support to vulnerable adolescent girls and young women who have dropped out of school and engaged into sex work in Bo, Bonthe, Moyamba and Pujehun within the Southern Province. Over 140 vulnerable adolescent girls engaged in sex work have been re-linked to Primary, Junior and Senior Secondary Education in Pujehun, Moyamba, Bonthe and Bo

3. LIVELIHOOD/SKILLS TRAINING – Female Sex Workers are trained annually in different vocational skills (Catering and Hotel Management, Metal Works/Welding, Tailoring and Hair Dressing, drown from all the four districts of the South. Over 440 Female Sex Workers have been trained and given start – up kits. These are now gainfully employed by hotels or self employed

4. HUMAN RIGHTS – SGBV/Early Child Marriage, There is a designated office created which is headed by the Human Rights and Complaints’ Desk Officer who handles all Human Right Issues ranging from stigmatisation, sexual exploitation, GBV, Early Child Marriage, etc and liaises with the Legal Aid Board (LAB), Family Support Unit (FSU), Social Welfare and Children’s Affairs. Over 30 cases have been reported to Legal Aid Board through the Human Rights/ the Complaints Desk Officer of the Kakua Hospice from within and out of the Southern Province.


BO, PUJEHUN, BONTHE & MOYAMBA (the whole of the South) but not limited to the South as Kakua Hospice is a National Non-Governmental Organisation that is fully registered with MoPED,MoHS & SLANGO – 2020/2021


To reduce HIV prevalence to zero new infection; in addition, to seeing a safe and cleanenvironment devoid of SGBV issues or exploitation against women, children and adolescentgirls, and life threatening ailments for a better and just society for the wellbeing of mankind.


To achieve positive health seeking behaviors and the promotion of Human Rights Issuesand income generating skills for the attainment of self-reliance, sustainable peace and development. 


To reduce the suffering of HIV/AIDS and co- infections on patients and create an enabling environment to ensure that they live in dignity as healthy human beings. Kakua Hospice also stands in for marginalized children and those orphaned by HIV/AIDS and circumstances of man and nature, women girls/ adolescents, Human Rights, and or SGBV issues. The Hospice offers training opportunity in different vocations for self-reliance for all deserving clients.

MOTTO: “We Share your Pains”


I. Love and Compassion: a divine call and a principle of nature to love and care for one another in compassionate humility as we stand tall in favour of those who struggle against SGBV, poverty, powerlessness, HIV/AIDS and other STI/SRH related issues.

II. Justice: a driving force for a peaceful co-existence for people (women, adolescent girls and children) particularly with vulnerable conditions such as – life threatening ailment and poverty; and where the powerful and mighty always prevail over them, Kakua Hospice stands and supports work that empowers individuals and communities to fight injustice and inequality with courage, hope and determination, challenging the structures and systems that prevent people from rising out of their limitations.

III. Dignity, Respect and Confidentiality: every human being has innate dignity. All humans are of equal worth which is why we place dignity, respect and confidentiality for our beneficiaries at the heart of what we do.

IV. Accountability and Stewardship: accountability and stewardship of our operations – we are accountable for how we use resources entrusted to us, ensuring that our decision making is open and transparent. We measure our impact and are always striving to improve our performance. The Hospice is committed to being effective stewards of the planet’s scarce resources for humanity and caring for the earth for the sake of posterity.

V. Partnership and Co-operation: our operation is deeply rooted in a spirit of partnership and co-operation and this affirms the value of working in partnership with other key players. We work with and for vulnerable Key Affected Populations (KAP): women, children and adolescent girls infected and affected with HIV/AIDS and other infections. Kakua Hospice also engages with other key partners – National and international, including government and private sectors in various fields and levels.

VI. Integrity: trust, honour and honesty are key elements to Kakua Hospice’s work ethics as it is a charitable organization devoid of third party interference.

V. Partnership and Co-operation: our operation is deeply rooted in a spirit of

partnership and co-operation and this affirms the value of working in partnership with

other key players. We work with and for vulnerable Key Affected Populations (KAP):

women, children and adolescent girls infected and affected with HIV/AIDS; and other

health issues – SRH, etc. Kakua Hospice also engages with other key partners – National

and international, including government and private sectors in various fields and levels.

VI. Integrity: trust, honour and honesty are key elements of Kakua Hospice’s work

ethics as it is a charitable organization devoid of third party interference.


1. National HIV/AIDS Secretariat (NAS) Principal Recipient or PR. The budget holder and coordinating all IPs of Global Fund HIV Grant.

2. RODA (Key Population IP Organization operating in the whole of Northern Province dealing with sex workers, adolescent girls/young women and orphans and vulnerable children;

3. SWAASL (Society for Women and AIDS in Africa, Sierra Leone) operating in Western Urban and Rural, and Kenema in the Eastern Province. SWAASL also deals with Female Sex Workers and all vulnerable women and children;

4. WICM (Women in Crisis Movement) also deals with Female Sex Workers in Western Area and Kono. WICM works with women, children and other vulnerable groups;

5. Dignity Association deals with MSM – Men who have Sex with Men. It  operates in Western Rural/Urban, Bo, Kenema, Makeni and Kono. Its a youth led organisation;

6. NETHIPS (Network of HIV Positives) . Operates in the whole of Sierra Leone, in all district head quarter towns. Their operations also focus on IGA, Agriculture, education, health, etc;

7. SLYDCSL (Social Linkages for Youth Development and Child Link, Sierra Leone). Deals with people who inject drugs or drug users (all kinds of inject able drugs).

8. NACP (National AIDS Control Programme) work on the clinical aspect or treatment of HIV/AIDS patients.

9. PPASL (Planned Parenthood Association) . Focuses on sensitization in communities on Family Planning and health related issues;

10. AD MEDIA – Also focuses on sensitization in communities;

11. Other partners include ICAP, Solthis, PIH, UNAIDS, WHO, AHF, UNICEF,

Christian Aid, CRS, Focus 1000, CISMAT, etc.

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